The Challenge:
Successfully introduce to the marketplace a unique boat aimed at getting non-boaters into the on-water lifestyle.
Starting Something New
Bayliner launched the entry-level Element for people who were intrigued by the idea of getting on the water, but were concerned it was difficult. At the core, Element’s story is that it’s a “gateway” boat helping new-to-boating prospects take on the sport as easily as possible.
Dino developed the “Start of Something New” narrative: The Element is uniquely easy to buy/own/use because of its many unique attributes, and it’s also the start of a new hobby and lifestyle for the purchaser. That framing tied into the hexagonal “elemental” design scheme, suggesting the basic building blocks of a life on the water. The story, the design, the multiple executions all clicked, making it the most successful new product launch in the history of Brunswick boat brands.
“The most successful boat introduction Brunswick had ever seen — we doubled our expected sales numbers.”
— Matt Guilford, Marketing Director, Brunswick Boat Group